numericSampleStatistics Class |
Namespace: imbSCI.DataComplex.special
public class numericSampleStatistics : instanceCountCollection<int>, IObjectWithNameAndDescription, IObjectWithDescription, IObjectWithName
The numericSampleStatistics type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
numericSampleStatistics | Initializes a new instance of the numericSampleStatistics class |
Name | Description | |
avgFreq |
Description of $property$
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
avgValue |
Arithmetic mean of sampled values
| |
Changes |
Gets or sets the changes.
(Inherited from changeBindableBase.) | |
compareModeDefault |
Default compare mode used when compared against another instance
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the ICollection.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
description |
Human-readable description of object instance
| |
distinctValues |
Count of distinct values in the sample
| |
diversityAntiRatio |
Description of $property$
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
diversityAntiValue |
Description of $property$
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
diversityRatio |
Description of $property$
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
entropyFreq |
Entropy of the sample
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
HasChanges |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has changes.
(Inherited from changeBindableBase.) | |
index | ||
IsFixedSize |
Gets a value indicating whether the IDictionary object has a fixed size.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
isLocked | TRUE if the collection is locked to preserve input-type consistency | |
IsReadOnly |
Gets a value indicating whether the IDictionary object is read-only.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
IsSynchronized | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
ItemObject |
Gets or sets the Object with the specified key.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
ItemString |
Gets sampled value Int32 for the origin object identified via hash ID
| |
Keys |
Gets an ICollection object containing the keys of the IDictionary object.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
kLevel |
Max K-level / factor applied to convert Double/Float value inputs to Int32, before accepted into this collection.
| |
kLevelApplied | TRUE if the kLevel was applied to (an) input value. | |
maxFreq |
The highest frequency
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
maxValue |
The highest value in the sample
| |
medianFreq |
The median of frequency
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
minFreq |
The lowest frequency
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
minValue |
The lowest value in the sample
| |
name |
Name for this instance collection, used for Table feneration
| |
originHashVsValue | UID as key, sampled value as Value | |
range |
Description of $property$
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
standardDeviation |
Standard deviation in the fequencies
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
sumOfValues |
Direct sum of values
| |
SyncRoot | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
TotalScore |
Gets the total score - sum of all frequencies. It is total count of all instance in the sample.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
Values |
Gets an ICollection object containing the values in the IDictionary object.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
varianceFreq |
Variance of the frequencies
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) |
Name | Description | |
Add(Double, String) |
Adds the specified Double value by applying kLevel factor
| |
Add(Int32, String) |
Adds the specified value in sample.
| |
AddInstance(Object, Object) |
Adds an element with the provided key and value to the IDictionary object.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
AddInstance(T, String) |
Adds the specified item.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
AddInstanceRange(IEnumerableT) | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
AddInstanceRange(instanceCountCollectionT) |
Adds all instances and their existing score
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
buildDataTableSummaryRow |
Builds the data table summary row.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
buildDataTableSummaryTable |
Builds the vertical table with all data
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
buildSampleFequencyTableSorted |
Builds the data table with statistics
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
Clear | (Overrides instanceCountCollectionTClear.) | |
CompareTo(Object) |
Compares to.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
CompareTo(instanceCountCollectionFormulae, IInstanceCountCollection) |
Compares to.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
Contains |
Determines whether the IDictionary object contains an element with the specified key.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
CopyTo | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
DivideAllFrequencies | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
DivideFrequency | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
GetChanges |
Gets the changes.
(Inherited from changeBindableBase.) | |
getDataTableComparative |
Gets the data table comparative.
| |
getDataTableHorizontal |
Gets the data table horizontal.
| |
getDataTableVertical |
Gets the data table vertical.
| |
GetEnumerator |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
GetRFreq |
Returns relative frequency calculated as follows: absolute frequency divided by maximum frequency: rF = aF / maxF
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
GetRFreqArray |
Returns Array of relative frequencies
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
getSorted |
Gets the sorted list with all instances
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
InvokeChanged |
Sets current state of the object to be Changed (i.e. from now on the object will know it had some changes since last Accept call);
(Inherited from changeBindableBase.) | |
isKeyZero | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
lockTheCollection | ||
OnPropertyChanged |
Kreira event koji obaveštava da je promenjen neki parametar
(Inherited from changeBindableBase.) | |
reCalculate |
Recalculates frequency statistics
(Overrides instanceCountCollectionTreCalculate(instanceCountCollectionTpreCalculateTasks).) | |
Reduce(instanceCountCollectionT) |
Reduces this scores by specified source.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
Reduce(T, Int32) | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
ReduceFreqAll |
Reduces the freq to all items for the number specified
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
Remove |
Removes the element with the specified key from the IDictionary object.
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
RemoveUnderFreg |
Removes the entries having frequency under specified value
(Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) | |
ToStringFormatted | (Inherited from instanceCountCollectionT.) |
Name | Description | |
PropertyChanged |
Occurs when a property value is changed
(Inherited from changeBindableBase.) |
Name | Description | |
BuildDataShema |
Builds the data table.
(Defined by PropertyDataStructureTools.) | |
buildDataTable(String, DataTableBuildersbuildDataTableOptions, PropertyCollectionExtended, String, ILogBuilder) | Overloaded.
2017:: Builds horizontal data table with columns mapping properties of the type.
(Defined by DataTableBuilders.) | |
buildDataTable(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, PropertyCollectionExtended, String) | Overloaded.
Builds the horizontal data table
(Defined by DataTableBuilders.) | |
buildDataTableVerticalSummaryTable |
Builds the vertical table with all data
(Defined by DataTableBuilders.) | |
buildPCE | (Defined by imbPropertyCollectionExtensions.) | |
buildPropertyCollectionT |
Create or update property collection out of object properties
(Defined by imbPropertyCollectionExtensions.) | |
changeValueAsInt32 |
Changes the value as int32.
(Defined by imbValueChangers.) | |
changeValueDouble |
Step je 0.01
(Defined by imbValueChangers.) | |
ConstructTableWithRandomContent |
Constructs the data table and populates with random content of the table with.
(Defined by imbDataTableExtensions.) | |
getDataTypeSafe |
V3.5> Experimentalna funkcija - na osnovu tipa vrsi konverziju
(Defined by imbStringCommonTools.) | |
GetDefaultValueT |
Vraca tipiziranu podrazumevanu vrednost
(Defined by imbTypologyHelpers.) | |
getDescriptionForDictionary |
Gets the description for dictionary, property table etc
(Defined by settingsEntriesInfoModelApi.) | |
getDictionaryFromMappedSource |
Vraca recnik sa vrednostima iz objekta.
(Defined by propertyMappingTools.) | |
getEnumMemberPath |
Vraca enum member path koji moze da se koristi za preuzimanje enumeracije i njenog tipa
(Defined by imbEnumExtendBase.) | |
GetExpressionResolved |
Resolves the specified expresion path, having host as starting node
(Defined by PropertyExpressionTools.) | |
getPathForObject |
2014c: Univerzalni konstruktor putanje
(Defined by resourcePathGenerator.) | |
getPathForObjectAndParent |
Univerzalni konstruktor putanje za bilo koji tip i parent
(Defined by resourcePathGenerator.) | |
getProperty |
Retrieves PropertyInfo found on path specified
(Defined by imbTypeQueryExtensions.) | |
getSPEC | (Defined by imbTypeQueryExtensions.) | |
getStringValue |
2013a> bezbedno vraca string verziju prosledjene vrednosti - Kreira stringValue
(Defined by imbDataExecutor.) | |
GetUserManual |
Generates property manual
(Defined by settingsEntriesTools.) | |
GetUserManualSaved |
Gets the user manual saved:
(Defined by settingsEntriesTools.) | |
getValuesFromMappedSource | (Defined by propertyMappingTools.) | |
imbAttributeToProperties |
Prebacuje vrednost iz atributa u propertije - u skladu sa podesenim mapiranjem (imbAttributeName.metaValueFromAttribute)
(Defined by imbAttributeTools.) | |
imbConvertValueSafe |
2014c> bezbedna konverzija vrednosti
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.) | |
imbConvertValueSafeTypedT | (Defined by imbTypeExtensions.) | |
imbGetAllProperties |
Vraca sve propertije iz objekta koji su Public i Instance. Vraca i nasledjene propertije ali ako su pregazeni onda vraca samo najnoviji
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbGetAllValues |
Vraca sve vrednosti iz svih propertija koji su Public i Instance
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbGetCodeMark | (Defined by imbStringExtensions.) | |
imbGetPropertySafe(String, Object, String) | Overloaded.
2013> Sigurno preuzimanje vrednosti objekta - podržava path:
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbGetPropertySafe(PropertyInfo, Object, Boolean, Object) | Overloaded.
2013> Sigurno preuzimanje vrednosti objekta - podržava path:
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbGetPropertySafe(PropertyInfo, Object, Boolean, Object, Boolean) | Overloaded. (Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbGetPropertySafeT(PropertyInfo) | Overloaded.
2014:Maj - uzima property i odmah vrsi bezbednu konverziju!
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbPropertyToString |
Sigurno iscitavanje stringa
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbSetPropertyConvertSafe |
Algoritam sa konverzijom koja podrzava i Collection objekta koji imaju Add method.
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbSetPropertySafe(String, Object, Boolean, Object, Boolean) | Overloaded.
2013> Sigurano postavljanje vrednosti objekta
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbSetPropertySafe(PropertyInfo, Object, Boolean, Object, Boolean) | Overloaded.
2013> Sigurano postavljanje vrednosti objekta
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.) | |
imbToBoolean |
Konvertuje bilo koju vrednost u Boolean
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.) | |
imbToEnumeration(Type, Enum) | Overloaded.
Convers an value to the best fit Enumeration member
(Defined by imbTypeEnumExtensions.) | |
imbToEnumerationT | Overloaded. (Defined by imbTypeEnumExtensions.) | |
imbToInstance |
Konvertuje u potrebni tip. Ukoliko postoji konstruktor sa parametrom koji je IsInstanceOfType(input) onda ce koristit njega
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.) | |
imbToNumber(Type) | Overloaded.
Konvertuje u broj prema zadatom tipu
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.) | |
imbToNumberT(Type) | Overloaded. (Defined by imbTypeExtensions.) | |
isCoreColumn | (Defined by PropertyEntryColumnExtensions.) | |
isNullOrEmpty | (Defined by imbSciStringExtensions.) | |
isNullOrEmptyString |
Proverava da li je input null, ako je string onda ga proverava kao string ako je neki drugi objekat onda ga predvara u string pa proverava
(Defined by imbSciStringExtensions.) | |
keyToString | (Defined by imbPropertyCollectionExtensions.) | |
renderToTemplate |
Vraca string koji definise placeholder u template stringu
(Defined by stringTemplateTools.) | |
resolvePath(String, pathResolveFlag) | Overloaded.
Najčešće korišćen metod za upit nad putanjom i objektom
(Defined by resourcePathResolver.) | |
resolvePathT(String, pathResolveFlag) | Overloaded. (Defined by resourcePathResolver.) | |
saveObjectToXML | (Defined by objectSerialization.) | |
setObjectByMappedSource |
Primenjuje prosledjenu property mapu
(Defined by propertyMappingTools.) | |
setObjectBySource |
Sets the object by source.
(Defined by imbTypeObjectOperations.) | |
setObjectValueTypesBySource |
Sets the object by source, but only ValueTypes and string and only properties declared at top inherence level. Returns dictionary with updated properties (only if value changed)
(Defined by imbTypeObjectOperations.) | |
setValuesToMappedTarget |
Postavlja vednosti iz recnika u dati ciljani objekat - da bi bilo kompatibilno niz mora biti u istom rasporedu kao i u property mapu
(Defined by propertyMappingTools.) | |
sumValues |
Supports> String, Int32, any number via Double and Boolean
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.) | |
toExpressionString |
Returns expression-ready string, wrapped in proper quotes if required
(Defined by imbStringFormats.) | |
toStringSafe | Overloaded. (Defined by imbStringFormats.) | |
toStringSafe(String) | Overloaded. (Defined by imbStringFormats.) | |
toStringSafe(String, String) | Overloaded.
Bezbedna konverzija u String -- ako je null onda valueForNull
(Defined by imbStringFormats.) |