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ILogBuilder Interface

imbSCI | imbACE | imbNLP | imbWEM | imbWBI
Interface for loggers

Namespace:  imbSCI.Core.reporting
Assembly:  imbSCI.Core (in imbSCI.Core.dll) Version: 0.3.58.
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The ILogBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyc
Builder cursor object
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public propertycontent
Collection of content units: Source builders => List of string, HTML/XML list of Nodes, RTF/PDF... list of DOM elements
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public propertyconverter (Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public propertydirectoryScope
Gets the current directory from the context
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public propertylastLength (Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public propertyLength (Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public propertylinePrefix
Prefix koji se dodaje ispred svake linije
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public propertylogContent (Inherited from IAceLogable.)
Public propertysettings (Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public propertytabInsert
Prefix koji se dodaje ispred teksta -- tabovi
(Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Public propertytabLevel
nivo na kome je tab sada
(Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Public propertyVAR_AllowAutoOutputToConsole
Gets a value indicating whether [variable allow automatic output to console].
(Inherited from IConsoleControl.)
Public propertyVAR_AllowInstanceToOutputToConsole
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [variable allow instance to output to console].
(Inherited from IConsoleControl.)
Public propertyzone
Cursor zone
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodaddDocument
Creates new document both in filesytem and internal memory. Location for new file is current directory.
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodaddPage
Adds new page, drives cursor to upper-left corner
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodAppend
Appends inline or new line content.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendCite
HTML/XML adds q tag, Table aplies smallText style
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendCode(String)
HTML/XML adds q tag, Table aplies smallText style
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendCode(String, String)
HTML/XML adds q tag, Table aplies smallText style
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendComment
On HTML/XML builder adds invisible comment tag, on Table builder it adds comment to the current cell, on Document builder it adds pop-up comment on aplicable way
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendDirect
Direct content injection, bypassing all internal transformations by class implementing ITextRender
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendFile
File from sourcepath is copied to outputpath or used as data template if isDataTeplate is true
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendFrame
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendFromFile
Loads content from sourcepath into renderer [if datakey is none or into data field if specified.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendFunction
Appends the function.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendHeading
HTML/XML builder adds H tag with proper level sufix, on Table it applies style and for H1 and H2
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendHorizontalLine
Horizontal line divider.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendImage
Appends the image tag/call.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendLabel
Appends the content with label decoration
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendLine (Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodAppendLine(String)
Appends the line.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendLink
Renders link, image or reference
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendList
Renders IEnumerable that may contain other IEnumerables
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendMath
Inserts mathFormula block
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendPair
Renders key-> value pair
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendPairs
Appends collection of pairs.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendPanel
Creates panel with content and (optionally) with comp_heading and comp_description as footer.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendParagraph
Appends content wrapped into paragraph tag. Table builders will merge whole line if "fullWidth" is TRUE.
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendPlaceholder
Appends string with template placeholder tag {{{ }}} / creates field to call custom property --> for document builder: introduces custom parameter and field
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendQuote
HTML/XML adds q tag, Table aplies smallText style
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendSection
Creates new section with title and content. Optionally it may contain: additional paragraphs for content and footnote on bottom
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendTable
Renders DataTable
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodAppendToFile
Saves content to specified path. Path is local to context scope
(Inherited from ITextAppendContent.)
Public methodClear (Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Public methodclose
Dodaje HTML zatvaranje taga -- zatvara poslednji koji je otvoren
(Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Public methodcloseAll
Zatvara sve tagove koji su trenutno otvoreni
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodconsoleAltColorToggle
Sets the alternative color mode for console output. Use set exact to set exactly the value for alternative color, otherwise it works in Toggle mode.
Public methodContentToString
Vraca sadrzaj u String obliku
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodGetContent
Gets specified content segment, or complete content
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodgetContentBlocks
Gets the content blocks -- the main content is in main
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodgetDocument
Gets the document instance - current document
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodgetLastLine (Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodloadDocument
Loads the document from filepath into internal object of TDoc type as current document
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodloadPage
Loads the page from filepath. If it is document type then imports page with targeted name
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodlog (Inherited from ILogable.)
Public methodlogEndPhase
Public methodlogStartPhase
Public methodnextTabLevel
Prelazi u sledeci tab level
(Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Public methodopen (Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Public methodprevTabLevel
Prebacuje u prethodni tabLevel
(Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Public methodrootTabLevel (Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Public methodsave
Path where to save so far logged content
Public methodsaveDocument(FileInfo)
Saves the document.
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodsaveDocument(String, getWritableFileMode, reportOutputFormatName)
Saves the current document, returns FileInfo pointing to it
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodsavePage
Saves the document containing this page.
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodSubcontentClose
Subcontents the close.
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodSubcontentStart
Subcontents the start.
(Inherited from ITextRender.)
Public methodToString
Vraca sadrzaj u String obliku
(Inherited from ITabLevelControler.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAppendIf (Defined by settingsEntriesTools.)
See Also