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graphNode Class

imbSCI | imbACE | imbNLP | imbWEM | imbWBI
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  imbSCI.Data.collection.graph
Assembly:  imbSCI.Data (in imbSCI.Data.dll) Version: 0.3.70.
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The graphNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodgraphNode
Initializes a new instance of the graphNode class
Public propertyforTreeview
Name format used for textual tree view representation
Public propertyisLeaf
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is leaf.
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the IGraphNode with the specified key.
(Overrides graphNodeBaseItemString.)
Public propertylevel
Gets the depth level, where 1 is the root
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public propertyname
Ime koje je dodeljeno objektu
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public propertyparent
Referenca prema parent objektu
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public propertypath
Putanja objekta
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public propertypathSeparator
Gets the path separator used in this path format - if its not set it will look for parent's default path separator to set it. If there is no parent, it will use defaultPathSeparator
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public propertyroot
Gets the root.
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public methodAdd
Adds the specified newChild, if its name is not already occupied
(Overrides graphNodeBaseAdd(IGraphNode).)
Public methodContainsKey
Determines whether the specified key contains key.
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public methodCount (Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public methodgetChildNames
Gets the child names.
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Gets the enumerator.
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public methodgetFirst
Gets the first.
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public methodRemove(IEnumerableString)
Removes all children with matching [!]
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public methodRemove(String)
Removes by the key specified
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Public methodRemoveByKey
Removes child matching the specified key, on no match returns false
(Inherited from graphNodeBase.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodBuildDataShema
Builds the data table.
(Defined by PropertyDataStructureTools.)
Public Extension MethodbuildDataTable(String, Boolean, Boolean, PropertyCollectionExtended, String)Overloaded.
2017::Builds data table out of collection. Supported properties: primitives, enums and IGetFromToString interface types
(Defined by DataTableBuilders.)
Public Extension MethodbuildDataTable(String, DataTableBuildersbuildDataTableOptions, PropertyCollectionExtended, String, ILogBuilder)Overloaded.
2017:: Builds horizontal data table with columns mapping properties of the type.
(Defined by DataTableBuilders.)
Public Extension MethodbuildDataTable(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, PropertyCollectionExtended, String)Overloaded.
Builds the horizontal data table
(Defined by DataTableBuilders.)
Public Extension MethodBuildDataTableHorizontal
Builds the data table using reflection and selected columns. Supports formating instruction, expression and other advanced atributes
(Defined by PropertyDataStructureTools.)
Public Extension MethodbuildDataTableVerticalSummaryTable
Builds the vertical table with all data
(Defined by DataTableBuilders.)
Public Extension MethodbuildPCE
Public Extension MethodbuildPropertyCollectionT
Create or update property collection out of object properties
(Defined by imbPropertyCollectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodbuildPropertyCollectionList
Builds the property collection list from IEnumerable source collection
(Defined by imbPropertyCollectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodchangeValueAsInt32
Changes the value as int32.
(Defined by imbValueChangers.)
Public Extension MethodchangeValueDouble
Step je 0.01
(Defined by imbValueChangers.)
Public Extension MethodConstructTableWithRandomContent
Constructs the data table and populates with random content of the table with.
(Defined by imbDataTableExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodConvertListIGraphNode, TTargetOverloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodConvertListIObjectWithPathAndChildren, TTargetOverloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodConvertToDGML (Defined by GraphConversionTools.)
Public Extension MethodConvertToFreeGraph
Converts to free graph -- from the specified node to its leafs (downwards)
(Defined by GraphConversionTools.)
Public Extension MethodConvertToListTTarget (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension Methodcount
Universal counting
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateNestedDataTableIGraphNode, TInner(String)Overloaded.
Creates the nested data table.
(Defined by DataTableETL.)
Public Extension MethodCreateNestedDataTableIObjectWithPathAndChildren, TInner(String)Overloaded. (Defined by DataTableETL.)
Public Extension MethodGetAggregatesIGraphNode(dataPointAggregationType, Boolean)Overloaded.
Gets aggregated version of the objects
(Defined by collectionAggregation.)
Public Extension MethodGetAggregatesIObjectWithPathAndChildren(dataPointAggregationType, Boolean)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionAggregation.)
Public Extension MethodgetAllChildren
Gets all children. If pathFilder defined, it uses it to select only children with appropriate path
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetAllEnums
Gathers all enumerations found in the collection
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetAllLeafs
Gets all leafs, optionally applies Regex criteria used to child name [[[doesn't work]]]
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetAllOfTypeT
Gets the first instance of type in supplied collection. makeNewIfNotFound
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAllRootsIGraphNode
Gets all roots.
(Defined by graphTools.)
Public Extension MethodGetChartDataTableIGraphNode(FuncIGraphNode, String, FuncIGraphNode, Double, String)Overloaded.
Makes data table for chart
(Defined by UniversalGenerators.)
Public Extension MethodGetChartDataTableIObjectWithPathAndChildren(FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, String, FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, Double, String)Overloaded. (Defined by UniversalGenerators.)
Public Extension MethodGetCrossSectionIGraphNode(IListIGraphNode)Overloaded.
Gets the cross section: only items that are in common to all collections
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetCrossSectionIObjectWithPathAndChildren(IListIObjectWithPathAndChildren)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetDataTypeSafe
V3.5> Experimentalna funkcija - na osnovu tipa vrsi konverziju
(Defined by imbStringCommonTools.)
Public Extension MethodgetDeepest
Gets the deepest.
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetDefaultValueT
Vraca tipiziranu podrazumevanu vrednost
(Defined by imbTypologyHelpers.)
Public Extension MethodgetDescriptionForDictionary
Gets the description for dictionary, property table etc
(Defined by settingsEntriesInfoModelApi.)
Public Extension MethodgetDictionaryFromMappedSource
Vraca recnik sa vrednostima iz objekta.
(Defined by propertyMappingTools.)
Public Extension MethodGetDifferenceIGraphNode(IListIGraphNode)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetDifferenceIObjectWithPathAndChildren(IListIObjectWithPathAndChildren)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetEnumMemberPath
Vraca enum member path koji moze da se koristi za preuzimanje enumeracije i njenog tipa
(Defined by imbEnumExtendBase.)
Public Extension MethodGetExpressionResolved
Resolves the specified expresion path, having host as starting node
(Defined by PropertyExpressionTools.)
Public Extension MethodgetFilterOut
Filters out the collection by path regex, nameRegex is optional AND criterion
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetFirstNodeWithLeafsIGraphNode
Iterative procedure, returning graphNodeSetCollection with graphNodeSets rooted at node that has leafs (all or min) with leafNames
(Defined by graphTools.)
Public Extension MethodgetFirstOfTypeT
Gets the first instance that is compatibile with T in supplied collection. Supports PropertyCollection and other collections
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetFirstSafe
Gets the first safe.
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetFlatArrayT (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetFlatListT (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetHistogramModelIGraphNode(String, FuncIGraphNode, Double, Int32)Overloaded. (Defined by histogramModelExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetHistogramModelIObjectWithPathAndChildren(String, FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, Double, Int32)Overloaded. (Defined by histogramModelExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetOnLevel
Gets the on level.
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetParentOfLevel
Gets the parent of target element level or root if reached
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetParentOrRoot
Gets a member from parent-chain: a) Nth parent according to limit. b) parent on targetPath, c) parent of target type or simply d) root if no more parents.
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetParentsIGraphNode
Gets first level parents of the source collection
(Defined by graphTools.)
Public Extension MethodgetParentsViaExtension
Gets all parents. Prevents loop inherence.
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetPathForObject
2014c: Univerzalni konstruktor putanje
(Defined by resourcePathGenerator.)
Public Extension MethodgetPathForObjectAndParent
Univerzalni konstruktor putanje za bilo koji tip i parent
(Defined by resourcePathGenerator.)
Public Extension MethodgetPathForObjectWithParent
konstruise Path string za prosledjeni objekat
(Defined by resourcePathGenerator.)
Public Extension MethodgetPathForProperty
Vraca putanju za property
(Defined by resourcePathGenerator.)
Public Extension MethodgetPathFromObject
Gets the path from object - just casting trick
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetPathToParent
Relative path to memeber in parent chain
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetPathViaExtension
Gets the path string - including source at end of the path
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetProperty
Retrieves PropertyInfo found on path specified
(Defined by imbTypeQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetSPEC (Defined by imbTypeQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodgetStringValue
2013a> bezbedno vraca string verziju prosledjene vrednosti - Kreira stringValue
(Defined by imbDataExecutor.)
Public Extension MethodGetSVGChartIGraphNode(FuncIGraphNode, String, FuncIGraphNode, Double, Boolean, Boolean, Int16)Overloaded. (Defined by UniversalGenerators.)
Public Extension MethodGetSVGChartIObjectWithPathAndChildren(FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, String, FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, Double, Boolean, Boolean, Int16)Overloaded. (Defined by UniversalGenerators.)
Public Extension MethodGetSVGPieChartIGraphNode(FuncIGraphNode, String, FuncIGraphNode, Double, Boolean, Boolean)Overloaded.
Gets the SVG pie or doughnut chart.
(Defined by UniversalGenerators.)
Public Extension MethodGetSVGPieChartIObjectWithPathAndChildren(FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, String, FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, Double, Boolean, Boolean)Overloaded. (Defined by UniversalGenerators.)
Public Extension MethodGetTrendIGraphNode(FuncIGraphNode, Double, measureTrendTaker, TimeSpan)Overloaded.
Gets the trend from set of objects
(Defined by measureTrendTools.)
Public Extension MethodGetTrendIObjectWithPathAndChildren(FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, Double, measureTrendTaker, TimeSpan)Overloaded. (Defined by measureTrendTools.)
Public Extension MethodGetUnionIGraphNode(IListIGraphNode)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetUnionIObjectWithPathAndChildren(IListIObjectWithPathAndChildren)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetUserManual
Generates property manual
(Defined by settingsEntriesTools.)
Public Extension MethodGetUserManualSaved
Gets the user manual saved:
(Defined by settingsEntriesTools.)
Public Extension MethodgetValuesFromMappedSource (Defined by propertyMappingTools.)
Public Extension MethodimbAttributeToProperties
Prebacuje vrednost iz atributa u propertije - u skladu sa podesenim mapiranjem (imbAttributeName.metaValueFromAttribute)
(Defined by imbAttributeTools.)
Public Extension MethodimbConvertValueSafe
2014c> bezbedna konverzija vrednosti
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbConvertValueSafeTypedT (Defined by imbTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbFirstOrMoreIGraphNode(FuncIGraphNode, Boolean)Overloaded.
Vraca jedan ili vise resursa koji ispunjavaju uslov
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbFirstOrMoreIObjectWithPathAndChildren(FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, Boolean)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbFirstSafe(Int32)Overloaded.
Imbs the first safe.
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbFirstSafeIGraphNode(Int32)Overloaded.
Proverava uslov
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbFirstSafeIObjectWithPathAndChildren(Int32)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbFirstSafeIGraphNode(FuncIGraphNode, Boolean)Overloaded.
Proverava uslov
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbFirstSafeIObjectWithPathAndChildren(FuncIObjectWithPathAndChildren, Boolean)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetAllProperties
Vraca sve propertije iz objekta koji su Public i Instance. Vraca i nasledjene propertije ali ako su pregazeni onda vraca samo najnoviji
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetAllValues
Vraca sve vrednosti iz svih propertija koji su Public i Instance
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetCodeMark (Defined by imbStringExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetIndexOf
Gets index of item in an unknown enumeration
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetItemAt
Universal method for getting element out of unknown IEnumerable
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetPropertySafe(String, Object, String)Overloaded.
2013> Sigurno preuzimanje vrednosti objekta - podržava path:
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetPropertySafe(PropertyInfo, Object, Boolean, Object)Overloaded.
2013> Sigurno preuzimanje vrednosti objekta - podržava path:
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetPropertySafe(PropertyInfo, Object, Boolean, Object, Boolean)Overloaded. (Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbGetPropertySafeT(PropertyInfo)Overloaded.
2014:Maj - uzima property i odmah vrsi bezbednu konverziju!
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbLastSafeIGraphNode(Int32)Overloaded.
Imbs the last safe.
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbLastSafeIObjectWithPathAndChildren(Int32)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbPropertyToString
Sigurno iscitavanje stringa
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbSetPropertyConvertSafe
Algoritam sa konverzijom koja podrzava i Collection objekta koji imaju Add method.
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbSetPropertySafe(String, Object, Boolean, Object, Boolean)Overloaded.
2013> Sigurano postavljanje vrednosti objekta
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbSetPropertySafe(PropertyInfo, Object, Boolean, Object, Boolean)Overloaded.
2013> Sigurano postavljanje vrednosti objekta
(Defined by imbTypologyPropertyGetSet.)
Public Extension MethodimbToBoolean
Konvertuje bilo koju vrednost u Boolean
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbToEnumeration(Type, Enum)Overloaded.
Convers an value to the best fit Enumeration member
(Defined by imbTypeEnumExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbToEnumerationTOverloaded. (Defined by imbTypeEnumExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbToInstance
Konvertuje u potrebni tip. Ukoliko postoji konstruktor sa parametrom koji je IsInstanceOfType(input) onda ce koristit njega
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbToNumber(Type)Overloaded.
Konvertuje u broj prema zadatom tipu
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodimbToNumberT(Type)Overloaded. (Defined by imbTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodisCoreColumn (Defined by PropertyEntryColumnExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodisNullOrEmptyOverloaded.
Proverava da li je kolekcija null ili bez clanova
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodisNullOrEmptyOverloaded. (Defined by imbSciStringExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodisNullOrEmptyString
Proverava da li je input null, ako je string onda ga proverava kao string ako je neki drugi objekat onda ga predvara u string pa proverava
(Defined by imbSciStringExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodkeyToString (Defined by imbPropertyCollectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMakeUniqueChildName
Makes the unique name for a child, based on proposal and counter, formatted by limit digit width: e.g. if limit is 100, format is: D3, producing: proposal+001, +002, +003...
(Defined by graphTools.)
Public Extension MethodmarkdownList
Creates list from collection of [strings, IEnumerable or Objects]
(Defined by imbStringMarkdownExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMergeWith
Graph node graphToMerge transfers all child nodes to graphToMergeWith and disconnects from its parent
(Defined by graphTools.)
Public Extension MethodMoveTo
Moves to new parent node moveInto
(Defined by graphTools.)
Public Extension MethodRandomizeToListIGraphNodeOverloaded.
Returns a new list where the elements are randomly shuffled. Based on the Fisher-Yates shuffle, which has O(n) complexity.
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodRandomizeToListIObjectWithPathAndChildrenOverloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodremoveFromParent
Removes all children from parent nodes
(Defined by imbGraphExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodrenderToTemplate
Vraca string koji definise placeholder u template stringu
(Defined by stringTemplateTools.)
Public Extension MethodresolvePath(String, pathResolveFlag)Overloaded.
Najčešće korišćen metod za upit nad putanjom i objektom
(Defined by resourcePathResolver.)
Public Extension MethodresolvePathT(String, pathResolveFlag)Overloaded.
(Defined by resourcePathResolver.)
Public Extension MethodRetreatToParent
If the graph target has parent, it will move to its level (one level closer to the root)
(Defined by graphTools.)
Public Extension MethodsaveObjectToXML (Defined by objectSerialization.)
Public Extension MethodsetObjectByMappedSource
Primenjuje prosledjenu property mapu
(Defined by propertyMappingTools.)
Public Extension MethodsetObjectBySource
Sets the object by source.
(Defined by imbTypeObjectOperations.)
Public Extension MethodsetObjectValueTypesBySource
Sets the object by source, but only ValueTypes and string and only properties declared at top inherence level. Returns dictionary with updated properties (only if value changed)
(Defined by imbTypeObjectOperations.)
Public Extension MethodsetValuesToMappedTarget
Postavlja vednosti iz recnika u dati ciljani objekat - da bi bilo kompatibilno niz mora biti u istom rasporedu kao i u property mapu
(Defined by propertyMappingTools.)
Public Extension MethodsumValues
Supports> String, Int32, any number via Double and Boolean
(Defined by imbTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtakeFirstFromListIGraphNode(IGraphNode)Overloaded.
Vraca prvi element koji je pronadjen u ulaznom skupu - default vraca prvi element matchList
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtakeFirstFromListIObjectWithPathAndChildren(IObjectWithPathAndChildren)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtakeFirstFromListIGraphNode(IEnumerableIGraphNode, IGraphNode)Overloaded.
Vraca prvi objekat koji se nalazi i u ovom skupu i u matchList skupu
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtakeFirstFromListIObjectWithPathAndChildren(IEnumerableIObjectWithPathAndChildren, IObjectWithPathAndChildren)Overloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtextList
Creates list from collection of [strings, IEnumerable or Objects]
(Defined by imbStringTextExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtoCsvFileIGraphNode(String, getWritableFileMode)Overloaded.
2017: Saves CSV to file from path
(Defined by csvFileExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtoCsvFileIObjectWithPathAndChildren(String, getWritableFileMode)Overloaded. (Defined by csvFileExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtoCsvInLine
Renders CSV line from [!:object.toStringSafe()], [!:separator] is removed from item String
(Defined by imbDataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtoExpressionString
Returns expression-ready string, wrapped in proper quotes if required
(Defined by imbStringFormats.)
Public Extension MethodtoListIGraphNodeOverloaded.
Konvertuje niz u listu
(Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtoListIObjectWithPathAndChildrenOverloaded. (Defined by collectionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodtoStringSafeOverloaded. (Defined by imbStringFormats.)
Public Extension MethodtoStringSafe(String)Overloaded. (Defined by imbStringFormats.)
Public Extension MethodtoStringSafe(String, String)Overloaded.
Bezbedna konverzija u String -- ako je null onda valueForNull
(Defined by imbStringFormats.)
See Also

